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Two Fayetteville Technical Community College instructors have been selected for the 2025 N.C. Community College Master Instruction Certification Program (NC3MI).

Biology instructor Kerri Donohue and Criminal Justice instructor Jennifer Osborn were selected for the prestigious program from a large pool of highly qualified applicants from the N.C. Community College system, which includes 58 colleges across the state.

In its second year, the NC3MI program will run from January through May and focus on the areas of professional development, student learning, collaborative leadership and high-engagement practices. In addition, participants develop a comprehensive portfolio demonstrating their instructional mastery and commitment to educational excellence and strengthen their ties with local communities and industries, enriching the educational experience for students and contributing to workforce readiness.

Ftcc Kerri Donohue

Kerri Donohue

Ftcc Jennifer Osborn

Jennifer Osborn