Disability Support Services
Tony Rand Student Center Room 127,
2201 Hull Rd., Fayetteville, NC 28303
Phone Number
Office Hours
Monday - Friday: 8:00AM - 5:00PM
Director - Dr. Casey Groover

Quick Links

Prospective & Current DSS Students

Additional Resources

Comments & Suggestions

Message from the Director

Fayetteville Technical Community College is committed to the equality of educational opportunities for qualified students and provides academic and technology resources to support student success while pursuing academic goals. Support services are provided for all registered students (day, evening, and online) with physical, psychological, or learning disabilities, but it is the responsibility of the student to request accommodations and provide appropriate documentation of the disability.

Dr Casey Groover Company Picture

Dr. Casey Groover
Director of Disability Support Services

Resources for Current and Prospective DSS Students

Prospective DSS Students

  • Complete the electronic intake packet form by adding the appropriate supporting document(s).
    • Please find the Medical documentation guidelines here
  • Once we have received your intake packet and supporting documentation, your information packet will be presented to the Disability Support Services office for review.
  • When your documentation has been approved, the director of DSS will contact you, and you will be able to schedule an in-person or virtual initial interview. This meeting will include an interactive discussion regarding available accommodations and any other information deemed necessary for equal access.
  • During your initial interview, you will be provided a service contract outlining your approved accommodations. After you have signed the contract, you can submit a semester request to have your accommodation notice sent to your instructors.

NOTE: If you prefer to drop off your information in person, print the intake packet, attach it to your supporting documentation, and bring it to the Tony Rand Student Center, Room 127.

Documentation is accepted throughout the semester, but these months provide the best outcomes:

  • Starting in April for the Fall semester
  • Starting in September for the Spring semester
  • Starting in February for the Summer term

If you have any questions, email ada@faytechcc.edu or call 910-678-8559.

Additional Resources

FTCC Welcomes Comments & Suggestions

Disability Support Services Comments & Suggestions Form

We value your feedback! Please share your comments and suggestions on how FTCC can improve our Disability Support Services.

Name (Optional)