Who: FTCC Faculty Professional Development
What: Panopto Creator Training
Presenter: Emma Tobias, Product Training Specialist
It’s perhaps the greatest challenge in supporting online learning: designing a learning experience that lives up to the reputation your on-campus courses have earned. Students in a classroom can see the teacher, their slides, white boards and even live demonstrations. How can you make sure students learning online get the same elevated experience?
This training will focus on using Panopto with Blackboard, viewer and video library features, making videos with the recorder or by uploading, basic editing and sharing videos.
Panopto also puts the viewer in control of their learning experience. Viewers can see the instructor alongside supporting video feeds, including screen shares, slides, whiteboards, and document cameras. They can toggle between any of these video feeds based on their preference at any time, turn captions on and off when available, and even change the video’s playback speed. With Panopto, you’ll provide students with an engaging, interactive virtual learning experience that can help improve student outcomes.
When: Wednesday, December 14, 2022 10:15 a.m. – 11:00 a.m. Sign-up Genius
Wednesday, January 4, 2023 2:00 p.m. – 2:45 p.m. Sign-up Genius
Where: Virtual
Questions: Faculty can contact the Center for Faculty Development with any questions!