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Fayetteville Technical Community College Advisors Ebony Cannon and Katherine “Katie” Rettig graduated this spring from the Advising Leadership Academy that is hosted by the North Carolina Community College System (NCCCS) office. 

Ebony And Katie Leadership Academy

L-R: Katie Rettig; Alysia DeJesus, FTCC Coordinator of Academic Advising; and Ebony Cannon

Cannon is an Academic Advisor for the Allied Health programs and Rettig handles the advising for the Business departments. 

The Academy is a year-long, intensive training made up of professional development sessions, Moodle course assignments and a capstone project. Cannon and Rettig attended four professional development sessions and created an advising capstone project aimed at improving an area within their institution. 

Ebony Cannon

Jennifer McLean, State Director for Advising & Coaching, and Ebony Cannon

“A big part of the Academy was a project that required collaboration with other community colleges. I enjoyed working with Lenoir Community College to develop my capstone project: an Allied Health Signing Day focused on new pre-health students getting the opportunity to commit to their education in a big, celebrated way,” said Cannon. “The Advising Leadership Academy provided me with countless opportunities to network with other advisors/coaches and explore best practices, trends, and challenges in advising. I look forward to applying what I have learned as I continue to work hard with faculty and staff to enhance the advising experience for FTCC students.  #AdvisingWorks!”

With the completion of this program, both advisors had the opportunity to learn from other community colleges and start new initiatives for programs they are passionate about. They enhanced their knowledge and skill sets, which makes them more valuable to the students they work with and the college as a whole.