Office of Procurement
Thomas R. McLean Administration Building (ADM),
Room 102, 2201 Hull Road, Fayetteville, NC 28303
Phone Number
Office Hours Monday - Friday
7:30 AM - 5:00 PM
Executive Director: Ginny Griffith

Procurement at FTCC

The FTCC Procurement Office reports to the Office of Business of Finance and supports the institutional mission to “Serve as a student-centered institution focused on building a highly-skilled workforce fueling economic growth.”.
Two of our primary goals are to ensure fiscal responsibility, accountability, and financial stability and to establish a culture of quality customer service.

Essential Links

FTCC Purchasing Procedures Manual

The FTCC Purchasing & Procedures Manual is intended to provide FTCC employees with the proper policies and procedures necessary for the procurement of goods and services.

Fayetteville Technical Community College, through the NC Community College System and the NC Division of Purchase and Contract, is charged with jurisdiction and control over the specifications to purchase or contract for equipment, materials, supplies and services under NC General Statutes.

FTCC Procurement Card User Manual

The FTCC Procurement Card User Manual provides FTCC employees with the proper procedures for obtaining a procurement card (P-Card), cardholder responsibilities, and procedure compliance.

NC Community Colleges & Fixed Assets

Procedures, forms, and agency specific term contracts relevant to all NC community colleges are made available by the NC Community College System Office.

Additional resources for College and Finance Operations are also provided including: Systems Accounting/Special Projects, Budgeting & Accounting/State-Level Accounting, State-Aid, and Capital Improvements.

NC DOA – Division of Purchase & Contract

P&C’s mission is to provide for the effective and economical acquisition of goods and services for the state of North Carolina. To achieve its mission, P&C:
  • Administers the Interactive Purchasing System (IPS). Procurement solicitations from North Carolina state agencies, community colleges, universities, institutions, public school systems and some local government are available online through the Interactive Purchasing System (IPS). Registration through the North Carolina electronic Vendor Portal (the vendor portion of IPS) is required to receive email notification of bidding opportunities.
  • Manages the eProcurement System. NC E-Procurement is the State’s online procurement system used by North Carolina state agencies, community colleges, universities, institutions, public school systems, some local government and charter schools. The system provides an innovative, cost-saving and efficient method of purchasing and offers suppliers with additional marketing efforts. Additionally, NC E-Procurement system offers visibility into statewide procurement, allowing the State to negotiate better term contract savings.
  • Provides Statewide Term Contracts. P&C establishes term contracts by combining statewide procurement demands for commonly used items and disseminates procurement resources through email notification and searchable electronic catalogs within NC E-Procurement.
  • Provides technical training and support. The Division also provides training and technical assistance to procurement professionals and vendors, and compliance reviews.

NC Interactive Purchasing System

The North Carolina Interactive Purchasing System (IPS) is a free, electronic system for Vendors to view and search for bids opportunities with just a simple click of a button. Use this link to search for open bids, and look up specific bids by category, department and/or bid number. From here, you may click on the electronic Vendor Portal (eVP) to register as a Vendor with the State of NC. FTCC uses this same vendor database for issuing solicitations, sending communications, and issuing purchase orders to Vendors.

Procurement Waiver of Competition Request

FTCC is required to seek competition for most purchases. This form is required when faculty/staff are requesting to purchase from a single vendor instead of seeking competition from multiple vendors. Information provided should support/justify a waiver of competition.

Procurement Contacts

Todd Dunn Associate Vice President of Business & Finance – Operations 910-678-8484
Ginny Griffith Director of Procurement 910-678-8236
Scott Meis Assistant Director of Procurement 910-486-3655
Penny Tew Procurement Supervisor 910-678-8206
Mona Watkins Senior Buyer: Equipment 910-678-8272