Publish Date

Title: Our Students: Our Heroes

Presenter(s): Daniel Stewart

Some of the oldest and dearest stories in human cultures the world over are hero stories, but what do they really mean? In this presentation, Dr. Stewart will outline the hero formula devised by Joseph Campbell, and demonstrate how such stories are actually about the rites of passage through which all humans pass in life. Special emphasis is placed on the correlation between the experiences of the hero and the experiences of the community college student from the moment they enroll in college to graduation. This presentation is aimed at instructors and support staff and is intended to provide a fresh perspective on the challenges faced by our students during the college journey and the roles we play in it. FD/HUB

When:  Wednesday, October 18, 2023               10:00 a.m.- 10:50 a.m.

Where: TRSC     Capacity: 150

Questions: Faculty can contact the Center for Faculty Development with any questions!

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